Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pinterest Inspired: DIY Ruler Growth Chart


             DIY Ruler Growth Chart

These Pottery Barn knockoffs are all over Pinterest. I fell in love when I saw them and knew I just had to make one.


We purchased a six-foot board from Mendards and distressed it by hitting it with a chain. Then we stained it using a Walnut finish. Check for dry time on the can.


Next, I measured along the board using a mechanical pencil, tape masure, and combination square. I plan to hang this on the wall so I started at 6 inches. First, I measured in one foot sections, then 6 inches, then 1 inch. As I measured, I used a Combination Square to make straight lines. My 1-foot marks are three inches long. My 6-inch marks are two inches long. My 1-inch marks are one inch long.

Next, I traced my numbers using a stencil and pencil.

Finally, I traced the lines and colored in the numbers using a paint pen. Be sure to start at the top of the board so you aren't leaning on your lines/numbers. The paint take about 30 minutes to dry.

And, the finished product!

I absolutely love it! I just need to pick up a hook so I can hang it on the wall. Then to add Bug's birth and one year measurements.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yucky Science

Yucky Science!

I recently taught a one-day, three-hour camp on yucky science. We all had tons of fun learning about Science in a fun and yucky way.

Check out these photos/links to see how you can bring the fun home...

Oobleck! Tons of fun for kids of all ages.

Shrunked Apple Heads! These would be especially great for Halloween.

Tie-Dye Fish! I love the Angry Birds theme from this camper.

Germs! Learn how soap fights germs using pepper and dish soap.

Be sure to check out these Yucky Websites as well:

Virtual Owl Pellet Dissection:

The Yuckies Site on the Internet. Be sure to check out the 'Gross & Cool Body' Section:

Create Your Own Virtual Rollercoaster. Not Yucky but Tons of Fun:
